what to do about it? Simple. Just stop attending. sheesh.
Must obey!
JoinedPosts by Must obey!
new BS assignment, new threats.
by inkling inok, so after about 2 months of straight absence from my bookstudy, the elders shuffled me off.
apparently my current (actually quite kind, if a bit clueless) bs overseer was.
not being enough of a nazi.. my newly assigned bs has a (aforementioned in another post) dimwitted, socially obtuse, and.
WT Sues 2005; Blames Puerto Rico's Controlled Access Law For Lack Of Growth
by Justitia Themis inthe watchtower brought suit in puerto rico claiming that the controlled access law is the reason their growth rate has stalled.
i lost some formating trying to get it to post, but here are some excerpts:.
watchtower bible and tract society of new york, et al., plaintiffs vs. roberto sanchez ramos, et al., defendants no.
Must obey!
Well well, the Tower is once again using "the earth" (the world's legal system - see Revelation Climax book) to swallow up Satan's flood of persecution that he spews out to try & stifle the truth. If they win this legal battle it will be heralded as fulfillment of prophecy & evidence of Jehovah's clear blessing on the organisation, just like all the Supreme Court victories regarding their blood stance. Meantime, all the legal battles against the Society pursued by victims of sexual abuse, etc, are maligned as satanic machinations against the Society & evidence that the organisation is being persecuted in fulfillment of prophecy...these legal battles will all be settled out of Court so everything is hush hush.
Faithful and Discrete Slave
by Johnna inif it is true that the slave class is here to lead the organization, and their numbers on earth are still in the thousands, why is it only just a handful at the headqtrs that send out the spiritual food?
i have known many "annointed" ones over my course of involvement and none of them were ever called on for their input, guidance, counsel, etc... much less to have a turn to lead the work in ny.
aren't they all supposed to be doing the guidance work on the earth?
Must obey!
The Society's answer to this is that the 144k are no different to them because they are all teaching & sharing the spiritual food by their simply preaching it and distributing the literature. By their agreement with the GB, who claims to only be a representative of all the FDS class, and their showing this agreement by preaching the stuff the GB say they should preach, they are distributing the food at the proper time.
If you said to Ted Jaracz, "Ok, but how come only the GB get to make up all the rules and new light" the answer will be that the holy spirit must work through a smaller group of minds for the sake of unity, in the same way that the holy spirit worked on the minds of the apostles and older men did in Acts 15. Then if you say to Ted, "Yes, but the apostles & older men in Jerusalem never got anything wrong, but you guys get things wrong all the time...and in Acts 15 the apostles & older men only burdened the congregations with a few 'necessary things' but you have gone way beyond that with the system of worship you impose on JWs", then Teddy will call some elders over and say to them "Please organise a judicial committee meeting for this person asap as he is showing untrusting, questioning, Korah-like qualities".
And then you are thrown out of the Sanhedrin.
Wow! How many of these apply to the JW?
by journey-on inmargaret singer's conditions for mind controlpsychologist margaret singer describes in her book cults in our midst six conditions which she says would create an atmosphere in which thought reform is possible.
singer states that these conditions involve no need for physical coercion or violence.[2].
keep the person unaware of what is going on and how he is being changed a step at a time.
Must obey!
Psychologist Margaret Singer describes in her book Cults in our Midst six conditions which she says would create an atmosphere in which thought reform is possible
Since the JW mind control system is opposed to reform, presumably you mean "in which thought control is possible" or "in which thought reform is impossible".
Idolatry Within Jehovah's Witnesses
by WTWizard inok, so you have heard that the witlesses are against idolatry.
but, they do actually worship a group of men called the filthful and disgraceful slavebugger class.
notice how many times they have been wrong, reversed position (often multiple times), and have even been responsible for people's death.
Must obey!
the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger class
But seriously, you are absolutely right; JW's do idolise the Tower image. Just look at the cover of the new JW only Watchtower study version: it has a big Watchtower image on the cover. It is rather disturbing consideration the purported occultic associations with a watchtower. JW's will obey every whim of Watchtower teaching & 'new light" even if it is clearly at odds with what Jesus said (eg, how the Society twists what Jesus said about his future 'presence' and 'coming').
JW's are like the Babylonians being forced to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's image of gold (Daniel 3). The GB super-fine apostles say: "Bow down and submit to our every interpretation, policy, and 'new light' unquestioningly or we will kill you spiritually by disfellowshipping". There are not many Shadrach, Meshach & Abedneggo's in the organisation.
HLC talks to cease
by dozy init has long been the practise for hlc members to give occasional (usually annually) public & special talks and local needs items on blood & related issues at meetings.
these were often quite well organised with powerpoint presentations , handouts and open q & a session.. as of jan 2008 , the wts has written to all hlc members telling them that they can no longer do this & has written to bodies of elders telling them that they can no longer invite brothers to give talks , especially concerning the "advance medical directive document".. a hlc friend tells me that the wts apparently are further wanting to distance themselves from possible legal action and are also concerned that some hlc members are putting their own slant on the wts "conscience matters"..
Must obey!
Just more legal fiddling by the men who are really running the organisation these days: the lawyers!
Meantime, all the GB and it's committees can come up with in 10 years is a pathetic & trifling flip-flop on the generation understanding. Dumbasses
Annointed not inspired - do they say that in there own publications?
by cognac inbut they say that they have god's holy spirit... whats the difference?
Must obey!
This was the first item of Cognitive Dissodence that got me thinking... They are not (and admit not to be) inspired, they have the ability to (and admit that they can and do) make errors due to being imperfect men, but you must believe them 100% without question. Sounds like BS to me...
You summed it up perfectly Robert!
VIDEOS: Former Jehovah's Witness goes to give blood in defiance of JW dogma
by B_Deserter inpart 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a8lfamxp98.
part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jllj8uc6544.
part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lijuwqcaxnk.
Must obey!
A cup of tea after giving blood is dumb because tea is a diuretic, like coffee. It dehydrates you, doesn't replace water.
Universal Issue of Sovereignty Does NOT Exist....Proof......
by oompa inwe are taught that the $hit mankind has endured for thousands of years is because satan said something that could be construed to be bad about god, and so god said...."let's let mankind see if they are better off following satan and leading themselves, or following me.
" now thousands of years later, this universal issue is still not settled...after all...the angles and demons are waiting with baited breath for the end result.. do you think that just because you were taught since youth that this "universal sovereignty issue" is real, it is?
i have some real good biblical reasons this is not even an issue.............................................oompa.
Must obey!
You're welcome Oompa, thanks. I was born into the Watchtower religion so have known about the 'issue of universal sovereignty' (JW style) since childhood, but I first found out about Ellen G White's book The Great Controversy when in my teens, when I saw an old copy in a second-hand book shop. Just do a Google search for it and you could read it for free on the internet now.
Universal Issue of Sovereignty Does NOT Exist....Proof......
by oompa inwe are taught that the $hit mankind has endured for thousands of years is because satan said something that could be construed to be bad about god, and so god said...."let's let mankind see if they are better off following satan and leading themselves, or following me.
" now thousands of years later, this universal issue is still not settled...after all...the angles and demons are waiting with baited breath for the end result.. do you think that just because you were taught since youth that this "universal sovereignty issue" is real, it is?
i have some real good biblical reasons this is not even an issue.............................................oompa.
Must obey!
I do believe in an issue of universal sovereignty (more about 'free will') but whether the issue makes sense or not depends on whether you believe that resurrecting everyone who has ever suffered and died in this 'old system' is justifiable so long as they all get resurrected into a 'new system' where they will enjoy life for centuries, hopefully for all eternity, in a future paradise earth without suffering and death. The question then is: is such a future prospect for all the dead who suffered horribly enough to negate that suffering & death? My view is that this definitely would be enough and that Jehovah is justified in not intervening to remove wickedness PROVIDED that this future paradise earth, resurrection scenario that the JW's preach will actually come about! I see nothing wrong with the logic that given sufficently long time horizons and pleasant enough future conditions, whatever happens to a person in this short lifetime can be made up for.
And it wasn't J F Rutherford who first came up with this theory...it was Ellen G White of the 7th day Adventists with her book "The Great Controversy"...written long before Rutherford. Rutherford clearly borrowed his ideas from this.
What is wrong about the JW's version of this issue is the horrendous idea that Jehovah is going to kill for all eternity billions of humankind soon at Armageddon. That makes a mockery of Jehovahs love, justice, mercy and blows the whole theory out of the water.
Satan never claimed to be able to turn all of mankind away from God. JW's seem to imagine that if only a tiny fraction of humanity can avoid being corrupted by Satan then that is enough to settle the issue of universal sovereignty! Nonsense! If God is forced to slaughter nearly all of the human race at Armageddon, then Satan would clearly have won the issue of Universal Sovereignty, even if some of mankind always kept their integrity!